How Do Social Rules Affect Investment Decisions?

In our article about sustainability, we mentioned a report Gartner prepared for the states’ leaders. In this report, Gartner declared the trend analysis that will affect investment decisions for the years 2019 and 2020.

Regarding the research made by Gartner’s leading analyst Rick Howard and senior managing partner Michael Kung, the present day’s CIO and CTOs accept the IT services as a part of the job and manage it as a fundamental job skill.

The report, which indicates the community rules and technology trends are dependents on each other, states that CIOs must understand propulsive socio-economic forces, political and regulatory settings, business world models. Also, they surely need to understand society’s attitude & demographic features that change in general.

As you can see, the relations between trends and technologies are dependent on each other within a constant cycle. In the Gartner’s famous expectation curve (Hype Cycle), existing or disappearing of a transforming technology can affect macro trends or determine more or less the motion of the business world, and technology trends.

That means, because of the interdependent structure, the business world tendencies described in the report will influence the companies’ job skills and the timing of technology investments in the long term.

The Importance of Seize a Place in Hype Cycle.

Companies are regarded as accomplished or failure in terms of the speed and impact on their responses to changing needs and expectations.

Therefore connecting technologies & services on Gartner Hype Cycles (Expectation Curve) to Microbusiness world & technology trends provide critical inputs to companies’ investment strategies.

This approach determines the potential risks, benefits, and timing of all investments which are going to be made in information technologies.

Macro Trends

Five macro trends in the world affect and connect the strategical business world and technology tendencies.

The value of Macro Trends is ensuring the personal technology and business trends connection one another while additionally clarifying risks and benefits related to every trend.

Understanding dynamics and dependence between these three trend series can provide a chance to truly state values presented by Information Technologies.

In this way, it is expected that the fully understood values would help to guess and evaluate quickly the importance of technologies developing most properly regarding an enterprise’s particular context.

All identified trends are not aligned numerically or based on the importance because the macro and business world trends are accepted to change in terms of interest or the significance between the national, regional, or local layers of the world.

In that circumstance, we can tell that the function of trends and the relations between them will change depending on the dynamics of each “work” environment.

The list of that three trends stated in Gartner’s report should be used as the primary source that companies can get information for unexpected situations and explore new job ideas, models, and strategies besides having their job plans.