
Whatsapp or Signal, which app is safe?

Finally WhatsApp talk about their silence data collection: they told to their more than 2 billion users that they had to share their personal data with Facebook in order to continue using the app!

Some of the users are aware that this is uncanny and dangerous, while some are more confused; they are indifferent to the fact that their data was already being collected.

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Kişisel Teknoloji

Cyber Security: What Should Companies Do?

This article is the second Cyber Security article, focused on IT Management concerns.
On our first article Cyber Security: Thinking Like a Hacker, we explained the necessary five strategies to have a strict security policy.
In this article, we continue with more technical cyber security recommendations.

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Kişisel Teknoloji

Decentralized Internet

Imagine that each of your mobile phones is a separate internet server…

Wouldn’t it be safe to share photos with a parent group at your child’s school or documents with your company’s private, and encrypted internet network of two hundred other peers?

This may be possible with Decentralized Internet.

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Kişisel Teknoloji

Neuralink Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a very successful businessman. In particular, there are lecture-like methods that I think will be the subject of books in the future. Especially on the subjects of establishing and growing a Startup and Marketing.

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Kişisel Teknoloji

How Do Social Rules Affect Investment Decisions?

In our article about sustainability, we mentioned a report Gartner prepared for the states’ leaders. In this report, Gartner declared the trend analysis that will affect investment decisions for the years 2019 and 2020.

Regarding the research made by Gartner’s leading analyst Rick Howard and senior managing partner Michael Kung, the present day’s CIO and CTOs accept the IT services as a part of the job and manage it as a fundamental job skill.

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thinking like a hacker
Kişisel Teknoloji

Cyber Security: Thinking like a Hacker

Since March, after having COVID 19 as making to work as remote access absolute must, an E-Commerce company in Turkey had to pause activity for weeks due to being hacked; and the security gap scandal on Twitter, we would like to mention to Cyber Security topic.

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